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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Natthawut signaling the children a safe shelter. Prepare and get into the break.

ที่มา Thai E-News

Be painful era - the government demonstrators wept with grief after friend killed more protesters from other military Rama 4 Road on Sunday 16 May The companion beside his encouragement. Secondly the privileged consultation with Dr. Wattana hard mission à evenings before the judge.Has not announced a curfew (photo and caption. Reuters.).

The Thai News Team E-News.
May 16, 2553.

Time 13.55 hrs Natthawut and leaders took the stage announced. Details are as follows: -.

Let those who are gathered around it. Time and Dan.Please recognize that

1. ศอฉ. From television to announce that Kerry Phil Law.This allows the area under the jurisdiction of the military.This may not exactly.Might be blocking the same area. Or whether to use force to disperse the rally came here

If any person or any group wishing to leave the rally. Or trip away. Point cards are not restricted complaint. You can judge for immediate independence.

If you wish settle fight with bare hands. By peaceful means.No violence The position announced. You also have the right of freedom to fight side by side To the same

2. I have the team to check around and find that the brothers intend to settle our battle But that burden the family. Make necessary the children come on stage with this. Must respectfully inform you that children are children. If the government's announcement a curfew. Ask you a child. You can practice by bringing their children away from the rally

If you wish to bring children from the area gathered. You can do so freely. If you would like included in the assembly.I hope that Children will be children. To live in a safe place.Them that will not bring benefits to the child's computer bargain Request that you bring to the Wat Pathumwanaram.We believe that there will your children safe.

3. Lead to the appraisal meeting. Summary and attitude to drive over the next few minutes.Respectfully brothers thatIf you wish to settle fight with each other. Stand together here Fight by peaceful means. The flesh Spiritual freedom.Asking you to provide immediately available. Henceforth

Who are not eating fish families who lose body tired tiredNap to rest Then if you decide strictly prohibited.View the forum page. Listen to measure the absolute leaders to announce to you the following.

What do you think is the freedom to read your I decide.