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ธงชัย วินิจจะกูล: Truth on Trial


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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Chaturon Chaisang return to Thailand. Stop the slaughter public statement.

ที่มา Thai E-News

Wed 16 c 2553.

Mr. Chaturon Chaisang said radiation.Recently traveled to the doctor in a foreign country since yesterday morning. And returned to the airport this afternoon. Check information with the country concerned. While overseas with foreign friends show concern to Thailand each situation very

With this said Chaturon Chaisang commented that the political crisis now."The prime minister continue to suppress the people without a humanitarian slaughter will lead to massive losses will not resolve anything. But back to the society into chaos and conflict divide indefinitely.Actions as prime minister until now Shows that people are not the prime minister had the idea to settle or even mercy have pity on the people since the beginning.

From the news it is apparent, especially in the foreign media to spread throughout the world that innocent people are killed with weapons that no serious people, people armed story.But the prime minister to say, but the use of military weapons to attack justified the slaughter of the people.

While this is the solution.Government to abandon that idea's to announce a curfew.Ordered to stop shooting people. And return to negotiations, which will reduce loss of life and avoid massive damage both immediate and long term.
Mr. Chaturon Chaisang said that the real round of negotiations and almost there already. Left only the Vice Suthep's good to acknowledge charges SSI. Last fall, but the prime minister elections and measures to suppress the people called compact cordon before. With the subject of the ban. Red was shot and later died people were attacked and injured many Negotiations to halt it and to accept the most stubborn.

FT prime minister should come back with a review of the simple reason that the entire subject from the public to call for an election, a peaceful solution is possible and how Thai society, are best seen with the union. But now to lose a vast amount of flesh and life.Prime Minister should realize that what happens to the error and then แน่. If the prime minister will not change it too late.